
30 sec
60 sec
2 min
DAREBEE Workout: What it Works
Super Torch is a numbers-based HIIT workout that is guaranteed to light you up, get you to the sweatzone and seriously challenge your VO2 Max capacity. It's just three exercises and there are so many different ways to tackle this. You can do each exercise in one go, really, really fast. And take a breather between exercises set by the timer. Or you could not take any break, at all. Then you just flow from one exercise to the next burning up fuel and sucking in air. Or you could use the timer to make you speed up so you set it at 2mins to complete each exercise in and use a 30 or 60 second break in-between. Or, if you're really psyched up, try and complete each exercise in 60 seconds. You get the idea.  
Extra Credit: No breaks! 
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