Let your secret ninja mojo rise this month with the Ninja Challenge. It's designed specifically to take you through each of the many attributes that make a ninja fearsome and effective. A ninja's most fearsome weapon is his mind and though you will be performing mostly physical tasks, each day is intended to take you to a new physical and mental place. Accept the challenge, open yourself to your inner warrior path and remember a ninja is forged from willpower and discipline. All physical change happens because the mind changes first.
01 - speed: high knees [video how-to]
02 - flexibility: side-to-side lunges [video how-to]
03 - strength: push-ups
04 - stealth: wall sit
05 - grit: up and down planks [video how-to]
06 - balance: one leg stand
07 - endurance: climbers [video how-to]
08 - core control: hollow hold
09 - combat: punches [video how-to]
10 - focus: side kicks [video how-to]
11 - coordination: alt arm / leg raises [video how-to]
12 - grip: clench / unclench [youtube video]
13 - explosives: burpees [video how-to]
14 - concealment: elbow plank hold
15 - strategy: lunges [video how-to]
16 - awareness: side leg raises [video how-to]
17 - willpower: knee-to-elbow crunches [video how-to]
18 - agility: side-to-side jumps [video how-to]
19 - mindfulness: meditation
20 - discipline: raised legs hold
21 - concentration: chest squeeze [youtube video]
22 - fortitude: plank rotations [video how-to]
23 - discipline: calf raise hold
24 - power: jump squats [video how-to]
25 - resilience: reverse plank hold
26 - plasticity: plank walk-outs [video how-to]
27 - spirit: jumping lunges [video how-to]
28 - precision: shoulder taps [video how-to]
29 - courage: overhead punches [video how-to]
30 - commitment: squat hold punches [video how-to]